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Responsive Web Typography

Variable Fonts

Variable Fonts & Dynamic Typographic Systems

In this webinar for SmashingTV, we’ll start with a look at the current trends (and challenges) with design and design systems, and then move to an introduction to Variable Fonts and why they’re so important. Then we’ll have a quick...

Font Playground

by Wenting Zhang
Wenting (@DesignJokes) is an amazing developer and designer at Adobe, and has come up with some truly innovative interface ideas for playing with type and...

by Nick Sherman
Nick Sherman’s site is an emerging catalog of available variable fonts (follow @variablefonts for lots more resources), from one of the most knowledgeable people...

by Laurence Penney is the original ‘variable fonts playground’ created by Laurence Penney (@lorp). It's a fantastic resource for learning about, playing with, and using this amazing...
CSS Dev Conf Best Of award

Variable Fonts & The Future of Web Design

The web is about words—ok, and cat videos—but otherwise lots and lots of words. We’re well past the tipping point of ‘more mobile than desktop’, and the use of content management systems has skyrocketed—so the way we set those words...
Photo by Peter Constable of Jason teaching the workshop

Responsive Type & Typography

A Primer on Variable Fonts and Modern Digital Typography Variable Fonts are fast becoming the new standard in supported web font technology—remarkably in only a little over a year since their introduction. In this workshop we will look at what...

Variable Fonts and Our New Typography

For centuries, typography has shaped the way we ‘hear’ what we read. In our web work, though, we’ve have to balance our typographic desires with user experience and performance, knowing that every weight, width, or style of a typeface required...
WakamaiFondue site by Roel Nieskens


by Roel Nieskens
Roel’s sense of humor (wakamaifondue == what can my font do... get it?) is only outshone by how clever he is as a developer. This...

Interviewed for Top Web Design Trends of 2018

Wednesday, 3 January, 2018

Oliver Lindberg interviewed myself and a bunch of really smart and talented folks about what we see as upcoming trends in web design for the Shopify Partners blog. Shockingly, I suggested that variable fonts will be a big thing :)...

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