Georgia on my mind
Seldom does serendipity smile so kindly—but I won’t question it. The chance to work with one of the top state digital service teams on typographic and design system refinement and integration is pretty special...
Seldom does serendipity smile so kindly—but I won’t question it. The chance to work with one of the top state digital service teams on typographic and design system refinement and integration is pretty special...
Words have power, and typography is their voice For centuries, type has been how we ‘hear’ what we read. It’s also generally understood that typefaces and typography are a core element of branding, of expression, of vocal range. Great typography...
Kate O’Neill (@kateo) just gave an amazing talk about Tech Humanism, raising all kinds of questions about what it means to be human. Which naturally got me thinking, being someone who uses technology. A lot. And I remembered a paper...
Oliver Lindberg interviewed myself and a bunch of really smart and talented folks about what we see as upcoming trends in web design for the Shopify Partners blog. Shockingly, I suggested that variable fonts will be a big thing :)...
I'm about to speak at TypeCon in Boston this morning, and it's a huge treat to be here. It's my first visit to the event, and it's as warm and welcoming a crowd as any of the web community events...
I had the honor of speaking last week at DrupalCon in New Orleans, and got to see a whole slew of great presentations. For a recap at our local DrupalPVD meetup I put together a few slides listing some of...
An attempt to articulate the ‘why’ behind how we design, and what should guide us Over the past five or six years I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about, tinkering with, and teaching the process of designing and building...
I've never had particularly lofty ambitions for Beep Edition, the responsive base theme I started a few years ago. Rather than make a new 'all singing, all dancing' kind of theme, I wanted this to be my starting point, and...
And if you can’t explain it, you’re not done designing it yet
Will it evolve to a higher level of thinking or fall into commoditization?