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Responsive Web Typography


Flexible Typesetting by Tim Brown

Flexible Typesetting

by Tim Brown
Tim Brown (@typesetting) illuminates the complex, beautiful world of typesetting—arguably the most important part of typography because it forms the backbone of the reading experience—and...
Webfont Handbook by Bram Stein

Webfont Handbook

by Bram Stein
There’s more to choosing a webfont than aesthetics—rendering, language support, hosting, and licensing are equally crucial to communicating your message. Think of webfonts as progressive...
Web Typography by Richard Rutter

Web Typography

by Rich Rutter
Rich’s exhaustive work is about far more than just the web. There’s a huge amount of history, typographic insights, and of course, just about everything...
On Web Typography book cover

On Web Typography

by Jason Santa Maria
Jason Santa Maria’s approachable guide to web typography narrates the thought process behind working with type, from choosing fonts to crafting hierarchies to building grids...