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Responsive Web Typography

Drupal Planet

Drupal 8 Theming Quickstart

This is a full-day workshop diving into the structure of a new them in Drupal 8. We’ll learn about the structure, how to create a theme, add/remove/replace CSSand JS libraries, include external resources like web fonts, and look learn the...

DrupalCon Recap

Tuesday, 17 May, 2016

I had the honor of speaking last week at DrupalCon in New Orleans, and got to see a whole slew of great presentations. For a recap at our local DrupalPVD meetup I put together a few slides listing some of...

Beep Edition is coming to Drupal8

Wednesday, 17 February, 2016

I've never had particularly lofty ambitions for Beep Edition, the responsive base theme I started a few years ago. Rather than make a new 'all singing, all dancing' kind of theme, I wanted this to be my starting point, and...

Curiosity: not just for killing cats anymore

Wednesday, 22 August, 2012

It’s what drives innovation. It’s what drives the web. It’s the force behind the questions ‘Why?’ and ‘What if?’ If Tim Berners-Lee was not curious, he would not have created the very place we all work. If Marc Andreeson wasn’t...

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