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Responsive Web Typography


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Font Playground

by Wenting Zhang
Wenting (@DesignJokes) is an amazing developer and designer at Adobe, and has come up with some truly innovative interface ideas for playing with type and...

by Nick Sherman
Nick Sherman’s site is an emerging catalog of available variable fonts (follow @variablefonts for lots more resources), from one of the most knowledgeable people...

by Laurence Penney is the original ‘variable fonts playground’ created by Laurence Penney (@lorp). It's a fantastic resource for learning about, playing with, and using this amazing...
WakamaiFondue site by Roel Nieskens


by Roel Nieskens
Roel’s sense of humor (wakamaifondue == what can my font do... get it?) is only outshone by how clever he is as a developer. This...
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